After each event, CFA Houston loves to hear what members think through a post-event survey. For the September 18th's Private Equity luncheon, Ted Leitch of Expense Reduction Analysts won the drawing for a $100 AMEX gift card. Congratulations, Ted and thanks to everyone who participated in the survey.
CFA Houston Photo Gallery
Other CFA Events Across the Country
69th Annual Convention November 13-15, 2013 - Los Angeles, CA
2013 ABL Basics for Underwriters Workshop November 20-21, 2013 - New York, NY
2013 Advanced Legal Issues Workshop December 3-5, 2013 - New York, NY
Virtual Programs
Essentials of UCC Virtual Workshop November 5-6, 2013 at 12 p.m. CDT
Click here for an updated CFA national calendar.
Featured Article
Expanding Credit Lines in Order to Expand By: Steve Agran
For recovering companies, additional financing for working capital increases would be necessary, but increasingly difficult to come by at reasonable interest rates. During the recession, bank loan commitments were reduced, while mounting losses were financed by utilizing availability under the working capital line of credit. As the economy recovered, liquidity was much tighter while availability was lower. Companies did benefit from the fact that the recovery was slow and, therefore, rapid working capital requirements often associated with growth did not materialize. Ultimately, the recovery has led to companies needing expansion capital but finding it hard to come by.
Many companies facing this exact situation have turned to MorrisAnderson to discuss ways to prove liquidity and availability for credit. Continue reading...
2014 Cornerstone Sponsorhips
Now Available!
Click below for our Pitchbook detailing the value proposition of Cornerstone Sponsorship!
2014 Working Schedule at a Glance
Event |
Date |
Venue |
2014 Economic Outlook |
La Colombe d’Or
"Lunch & Learn" hosted by Hoover Slovacek LLP
Hoover Slovacek Offices
New Member "Meet & Greet" |
"Lunch & Learn" hosted by Winstead PC |
Winstead Offices
Luncheon Panel |
Brennan’s Downtown
"Lunch & Learn" hosted by Porter Hedges LLP |
Porter Hedges Offices
Annual State of the Private Equity Markets in Houston
Vic & Anthony’s Steakhouse
Networking Reception Mixer |
"Lunch & Learn" hosted by Weinstein Spira & Company |
Weinstein Spira & Company Offices |
Sponsor Appreciation Dinner |
Introducing CFA Houston's new Lunch & Learn events. A great opportunity to host CFA educational events at your company’s office. Email [email protected] for more details!

Recent CFA Houston Events
CFA/TMA Joint Networking Reception
October 9 CFA partnered with Houston's TMA for this exciting networking reception mixer at Mo's...A Place for Steaks. The event featured tasty hors d'oeuvres, open bar, wine tastings and even a cigar roller. To see more photos, please click here.
 Laura Koch, The Strategic CFO; Bill Bobbora, Cadence Bank; & Chad Stephenson, Comerica Bank
State of the Private Equity Markets in Houston
September 18 Held at Vic & Anthony's downtown, the private equity panel included Gary Walther of Walther Partners, Inc. as moderator, Scott Crist of Texas Ventures, Kent Wallace of The Sterling Group, and Neil Kallmeyer of The CapStreet Group. To see more photos from the September event, please click here.
 Panelists: Scott Crist, Texas Ventures; Kent Wallace, The Sterling Group; Neil Kallmeyer, The CapStreet Group
 Luis Suarez-Garcia, Timothy Ashe, Ryan Sandel, Tony Alexander and Kevin Ward of Capital One
 Richard Thompson, Deloitte CRG; Marshall Sheperd, Melton & Melton; and David Brewton, JPMorgan Chase
The Affordable Care Act: Strategies for Grasping the Myths, Facts and Uncertainties.
June 19 Held at Brennan's of Houston this panel featured Houston-area CFOs who discussed local economics and the impact of the new healthcare reform act. This luncheon was moderated by Irene Helsinger of Newport Board Group, and the panel included Damon Thompson, Employer Flexible; Stephanie Rogers, MHealth, Inc./Memorial Hermann Healthcare System; Karen Blake, Deloitte Tax LLP; & Tony Nista, Lockton Companies, LLC. To see more photos from the September event, please click here.
Moderator, Irene Helsinger of Newport Board Group; and panelists: Damon Thompson, Employer Flexible; Stephanie Rogers, MHealth, Inc./Memorial Hermann Healthcare System; Karen Blake, Deloitte Tax LLP; & Tony Nista, Lockton Companies, LLC
Robert Morgan, JPMorgan Chase Bank; Pete Clarke, The WFA Group, & Najeeb Baqui, First Capital
Members networking include Sue Lehrer, Newport Board Group; Tony Nista, Lockton LLC; & Irene Helsinger, Newport Board Group